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Each area of ​​scientific knowledge is experimental and manifests itself in two aspects. Historical. It is divided into two main stages:

1) pre-scientific study of the laws in a particular area;

2) the scientific study of the objective laws of natural phenomena with the indispensable use of existing accumulated practical experience, provable on the basis of experimental and other data. Methodical.

It is determined by the choice of certain methods of study, testifying to the scientific validity of the proposed assumption. From the point of view of the existing theoretical and practical experiment, psychology is:

1) a set of information about the laws of mental reflection by the body of situations of external reality and adaptation to them;

2) base of accumulated practical experience on the basis of a large number of conducted experiments and other data;

3) the range of methods of studying mental activity carried out in practice in each of the areas of psychological knowledge. The historical aspect of becoming. Pre-scientific psychology was based on philosophical views, based on the individual experience of internal experiences.

The historical period of the New Age in the study of the nature of the soul belongs to the XCVII century. At this time, R. Descartes introduced the concept of dualism as a

separate from each other substances of the body and soul. Their relationship can be experimentally studied in the psychophysical and psychophysiological currents in understanding the activity of the brain. The pursuit of research in such areas most effectively undertaken in the XIX century. However, advanced views in the natural sciences were based on the philosophies of dualism or monism. Monism as a theory of the integral substance of nature was developed by B. Spinoza, as well as the law of associations created by experimental research, introduced as a term by D. Locke.

Scientific psychology in terms of experimental research was introduced by V. Wundt in 1879.

Foreign psychological directions:

1) V. Wundt - the study of the structure of consciousness (structuralism);

2) W. James - the theory of the "stream of consciousness" (functionalism);

3) Z. Freud - the theory of the unconscious as the basis for the treatment of neurosis (psychoanalysis). Followers - A. Adler and K.-G. Jung;

4) J. Watson - natural science approach to the psyche (behaviorism);

5) M. Wertheimer, K. Koffka, V. Köhler - psychology of form (Gestalt psychology);

6) A. Maslow - the hierarchy of needs (humanistic psychology);

7) S. Grof - the study of the psyche in variable states of consciousness. He is an adherent of the natural science direction in the study of mental activity.


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History of psychology

Terms: History of psychology