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35. Features of early learning IYa (kindergarten, elementary school). Playing as a primary means of learning at an early stage.


The need for effective implementation of soc. order about the island, as well as a general dissatisfaction with the results of training. foreign languages ​​in school, stimulates the search for new approaches to the organization of learning a non-native language. In this regard, in the last. years began to appear ideas of early mastery of foreign. languages, where the environment itself, age features, conditions allow you to organize interested communication in another language.
Preschool and early school age can be considered as a good opportunity for truly communicative learning of foreign languages ​​using the most elementary language tools.
Knowledge and consideration of age, physiological and psychological characteristics of children is of great importance for the proper organization of the process of education and training.
5 years - a period of intensive development of preschool children. At this age occur mean. changes in the cognitive field. Perception improves, thinking and speech develop, children begin to identify common signs of objects, group them according to external similarity, material, purpose, and understand the simplest causal relationships. Their ideas about the world are becoming more generalized. The leading type of activity is the game.
6 years is a gradual transition from one leading activity to another, for example, from playing activity to training. The brain of a six-year-old child, as a rule, is sufficiently mature for the assimilation and processing of considerable volume and relatively complex information. He is ready for its assimilation and processing. The child is ready for learning activities.
The perception of children is already beginning to be analytical. Children six years old are able to carry out the simplest sound analysis of speech, they are able to distinguish individual sounds in words. Characteristically, children begin to strive to understand the grammatical basis of the language.
Psychologists explain the possibility of a relatively easy mastery of a foreign language for children by the phenomenon of “imprinting” (imprinting), which involves quick memorization by children and the ability to operate in speech activity with units at the level of phrases and sentences. Psychologists determine the time possible for "imprinting" - up to eight years. This age also has some limitations, for example, the child’s memory is somewhat smaller than that of an adult, and his language abilities are also smaller. In addition, there is every reason to believe that it is classes language contribute to the gradual increase in memory.
For a long time it was believed that a child learns the language as a result of imitating the speech of adults, imitatively, without purposeful learning. At present, it can be considered proven that behind the seeming ease of language acquisition by young children, even in the natural environment, are complex processes based not on imitation, but on unconscious generalization. Have
The game as a means of organizing joint activities creates the conditions for real communication. The game motivates speech activity, as children often find themselves in a situation where the need to say something, ask, find out, share something with the interlocutor is actualized. The game is a psychological justification for the transition to a new language. The interest and possibilities of real inclusion in the new game provides a true motivation for children to learn the language.
EI Negnevitskaya formulated the basic requirements for the game in foreign languages ​​as a special type of children's activity: 1. The presence of an imaginary situation, an imaginary plan in which children will act (movement in time, in space, imaginary circumstances), as well as roles, play items. 2. Obligatory awareness by children of the game result (what exactly will be achieved as a result of the game). 3. The awareness of children of the rules, compliance with which allows to achieve the desired result. 4. The ability to select a specific action in the game with each child, which provides individual activity in the collective form of the game.
It is important to consider the following circumstances: 1. The teacher must know exactly what kind of skill, ability to train (apply) in the game. 2. The game must put the child in front of the need for mental effort. 3. It is not necessary to give children the rules of the speech game in strict formulations - such a rule can be a sample of the teacher's speech. But this is a model for creative, not mechanical, role model. 4. In the training of preschoolers and younger students should not use the grading system. 5. The choice of game should be organically intertwined with the lesson plan.
In organizing the process of teaching children of preschool and primary school age, the following basic provisions (special principles) are taken into account: 1. The oral way of learning, i.e. learning without reading and writing should be basic and advancing in the process of teaching children a foreign language. 2. The subject of oral speech should be close to the life experience of children. 3. Teaching vocabulary skills should be carried out by imitation. 4. Visualization is also a way of material semantization and a support for building your own statements. 5. Frequent repeatability of language and speech material. 6. The use of choral and frontal work, the promotion of students' speech activity, the introduction of elements of the game into the learning process, the creation of a favorable psychological climate.
When teaching children of preschool and primary school age to a foreign language, maximum attention is paid to clarity. It is desirable that the auditory image is necessarily supported by its visual option.
One of the basic skills is the pronunciation skill. When mastering pronunciation, it is important that children not only correctly pronounce, but also recognize the required sounds, without thinking about it specifically, doing it automatically.
In order to master the skills of pronunciation, the child needs to have the criteria for correct recognition and pronunciation. The only way that allows you to make something meaningful is to include sound in the word.
In the formation of lexical skills of great importance is the organization of the transfer of learned lexical units to the speech of children. Using the ability of children to quickly memorize whole quatrains, it is recommended immediately after learning one or another poem to transfer the words contained in it directly to the students' speech. One of the aspects that require special analysis is learning the grammatical side of speaking.
The lack of development of the mechanism of operative memory in children leads to the need to use visual supports in order to ensure expression. Props are a symbolic model of the proposal, consisting of the following elements: a square, a triangle, a circle and a shaded circle. With the help of symbols, students represent the phrasal outline of a statement in a generalized-abstract form, which allows children to simultaneously have before their eyes the component composition of the sentence and select the content of a specific utterance, as well as language means in connection with various structures of typical phrases.
Lexical and phonetic side - imitative way; grammar - analytical and imitative way. To enhance mental activity, increase the level of motivational interest in the study of foreign languages ​​- gaming activities, based on learning and speech situations.
Game situations, thus, make it possible to intensify the children's thought-thinking activity in the classroom, to intensify the learning process. The skills of foreign language acquired in foreign language classes help children to raise the culture of their native language, promote their mental development, as well as moral and aesthetic education.


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