You get a bonus - 1 coin for daily activity. Now you have 1 coin




PAD - Caution
FALL - 1) go somewhere; 2) go to bed; 3) to sit down
FALL ON THE CROSS - Pretend Illness
FALL ON TAIL - impose your presence to profit from the freebies
PADLA, PADLO - swear words - the most humiliating insult - "carrion", "corrupt"
PADLO BATISTOVO - very bad person
Ration - prison bread ration
BAREER is a blackmailer taking a piece of stolen goods, threatening with denunciation
PACKER - a crook, who implements with a "doll"
PACKLI - hair
PACKER - single-handed sharper
Pakost - trouble, meanness
PAKSHA - hands
PALM - 1) the prosecutor; 2) convicted of murder
PALEVO - Detention at the crime scene (violation of the regime in the prisons) with the aim of exposing
FINGER IN THE MOUTH - a conventional sign: do not talk!
BLINKING (FLOOD) - to issue, betray
PILGRIM - a thief who steals in the store with the help of an accomplice who distracts the seller
STICKS - matches
DECK - 1) lobby, hall; 2) camera floor, dorm
PAL - 1) the general concept of drugs; 2) hashish
BATTLE, PALTUGAN - coat, fur coat
FINGERS - gloves
PAM - Castle
PAN - 1) top quality drug; 2) bread
PANAMA - 1) scam; 2) bribe official
PANTOV - scare, scare someone
Panty - danger, warning of danger
Panchushka - a man who did not keep promises
PAPA - 1) the leader of a criminal group; 2) the head of the colony; 3) punk with experience
PAPUAS - Caucasian offender
PARADE - the thief stealing outerwear from the main entrance
PARAFFIN - 1) slander, slander; 2) a way to discredit a person by holding his lips with his penis, putting a “bucket” on his head, etc.
PARASHA - 1) dishes for stool in the chamber; 2) latrine; 3) the spread of false rumors
Parash to drive - lie, deceive
PARASHA CLOSE - close your mouth
PARENTS (from English, parents - parents) (OLD WOMEN, ANCESTORS, CHUKCHI, MARXES) - parents
PARISIAN - visitor from the countryside
PARILKA - a place of imprisonment (colony, prison)
STEAM - inhale toxic fumes
STEAM, FLOAT, PUX - keep in custody
PARVOZ - person undergoing criminal proceedings on the main accused
CARROT WITH WAGONS - pistol with cartridges
PERSONNEL TRANSFER - to assume the main role in the commission of a crime during the trial and investigation
PARTAK - 1) new to the thieves' field; 2) tattoo - "home-made" or applied not by status
PARTAYER, FIRMWARE - poorly made tattoo
PARTIZAN - a person hiding from the investigation
PARUS - bed sheet
SAILS - white walls in the room
PAS - 1) signal to start the action; 2) a missed move in a card game
PASSPORT WRAP - cut face
PASSENGER - the victim in the game?
PASSENGER STRONG - a victim who has not yet come across a cheat
NEW PASSENGER - newcomer to the cell
DECLINED PASSENGER - Victim Facing Sharpie
PASTI - 1) follow; 2) accompany
PASTI SAZANA - track down the victim
Pastie Seance - watch a nude woman

PASTURE - 1) to be in a certain place; 2) get a permanent benefit from dating
ZONE PASTURES - educators, heads of detachments in the IS
MUD - face, mouth
PASTE PAST - 1) beat; 2) strike the face
PATRIARCH - presiding judge
Spider - 1) the warden; 2) prison usurer; 3) tattoo addict
WEB - lattice on the windows of the camera
PAHAN - 1) father, head of a criminal group; 2) the head of the criminal investigation department; 2) the owner of the brothel; 3) especially honorable thief
Pakhanka - mistress, mother, wife
Pakhar - a convict who works well in a colony production facility
PLEASE - to work well THE BOY - 1) boy; 2) a pupil enjoying certain privileges; 3) a young thief - a student of an experienced thief; 4) a candidate for "thieves in law"; 5) real, right guy
PARASAN KA - minor girl who maintains contact with the criminal environment
PACK - 1) a bundle with counterfeit money; 2) blow to the face
PEDIC - chastity convict
LANDSCAPE - the prostitute who is given "on the nature"
PELENGATOR - policeman, traffic police officer
PENEC - 1) table; 2) inexperienced; 3) stupid
PENSION SUPPORT - payment to the prostitute for services
FIVE FIVE - a group of the most authoritative convicts
PRIMARY - camera for beginners
PERMISSION - convicted for the first time
TRANSLATE ARROWS - Suspend Suspicion
DISCHARGE - 1) transfer of money from one address to another from the colony; 2) drug trafficking from one region to another
TRANSFORM - 1) change shoes; 2) change the appearance
SWEAT - change clothes
COVER OXYGEN - 1) strangle the victim; 2) eliminate the channel of entry of drugs into the colony
BALANCE - 1) transfer to the zone of prohibited items; 2) the moment of theft when the wallet falls out of the victim’s pocket
BANG - 1) transfer; 2) to hide
GLITTER - change appearance
TRANSFER BUROM - to take with impudence, arrogance
TRANSFER HORN - 1) work intensively; 2) to press the weak
PEPPER - lamp, lantern
PERO, PERO-FINYAK - Finnish knife
PES - a man who does not know that he is dealing with thieves
WIPE ON DOWN - to understand the thieves' jargon
PESTRUSHKA - active homosexual
HING - follow
PETROFAN - five rubles in one note
COCK - 1) radio in the chamber; 2) passive homosexual; 3) a police officer; 4) five years in prison; 5) five rubles; 6) arson
SING - 1) to speak, shout; 2) raise the alarm; 3) to inform
PCA - side, inside pocket in jacket
PCOTINER (AUTOMATIC) -slot in the gang (brigade)
CELL COOKER - waffles
BEER - passive homosexual
PEAK (STANDERS) - the name of the Georgian "thieves in law"
SAW - to work
PIONEER - newcomer to the criminal field
PIONEER - a woman of easy virtue (always available for sex)
PIPL (English) - people, PIRAT man - 1) operative worker;
2) plagiarist (video pirate) PISAK - a thief who cuts through the victim's pocket when stealing a small gun - a cigarette lighter
TO KEEP - 1) to sell, sell; 2) refuse the request
FIR-PAH - an underdeveloped, weak-minded person
FOODS - civil clothes
SWIM - 1) tour; 2) serve the sentence
PLUGIATOR - video pirate
PLAN - Hashish
PLATFORM - table
PLAFON - bald man
PLAH - 1) watch; 2) penalty isolator; 3) PCT in the colony
PLADSDARM OF LOVE - meeting place for a prostitute with a client (see SEXODROME)
Spit - 1) to confess; 2) to issue; 3) to escape
LEGS OF THE LACE - 1) to escape from prison; 2) cheat, deceive
PALT LAPTI - arresting
TO WALK - 1) to lie; 2) escape and hide
TASTE - a gathering place for "blue" (homosexuals)
FLY - 1) to go; 2) serve the sentence in the colony
SWOOT - Shoot
PO KANVE - according to other documents
ON SHIRMA - pocket theft
SHAVE - rob
AWAKE - beat down
TO HANG A TIE - strangle with a rope
TIE - hold up at the crime scene
TRAILER - social activist in the zone
REPEAT LIGHT - smash lantern
GOING UP - Nickname
TASTE - 1) drink vodka; 2) have fun with thieves
BURNING (CLICKING, KLICHKA, SORRY) - a nickname, a name in a criminal environment (How do you drive? - What's your name?)
GIVING - colony doctor
CELLAR - subway
SUSPEND - 1) to rob; 2) determine the term of punishment; 3) hit hard on the face
CHOKED - 1) mouth; 2) sneak, pleaser
SHARE WITH GOD - rob a church, monastery
Podkalovat - inflict stab wounds during intercourse
SHOW WASHING - mark cards
CUT-UP - 1) hold up, pick up, catch; 2) watch out
PODKUMOK - the operational worker of the colony
TO SLEVE - 1) dress well; 2) recover
FASTED - 1) a police officer, an operative; 2) scammer, traitor
PODLYANKA - 1) the highest meanness; 2) extreme humiliation
TRIM - prepare
Raise the CAM - to convey
LIFTING THE SHUCHER - 1) make a scandal; 2) raise the alarm
RISE - to gain authority in the criminal environment
HEATING - 1) transfer of products to the colony; 2) narcotic, toxic substances; 3) additive, extra portion in the dining room
Subscribe - add a dose of drugs
TRIM THE BEARD - play cards "under interest"
Girlfriend - 1) pillow; 2) dog used to search for drugs
SUPPRESSOR - 1) pickpocket; 2) cheater; 3) hack
SUNFLOWER - 1) gold watch; 2) a man with red hair
STANDS - female legs
BREAK DUDK - steal a revolver, a gun
DROP SHIFT - change deck of cards for marked
READY - help with crime
FIT - chat
APPROACH - Deputy Head of the Colony
PICK UP - 1) go; 2) watch
PICK UP DOWNLOAD - to commit a successful theft
SING - 1) escape from prison; 2) escape from the courtroom
FIRE - 1) danger, trouble, death; 2) detention at the crime scene in the act
CALL IN HAVERA - break the glass in the apartment
Congratulate - unexpectedly strike
CONGRATULATE WITH GOOD MORNING - commit burglary in the morning, using the unlocked door
Wicked - a man who did not justify confidence
CAPTURE THE LIVER - to deceive the rich man
TO GO TO A COGNSER - to surrender
GO TO CHANGE FATE - to escape from prison
GET ON THE GLUE - steal on a tip
REVIEWS - Orders and Medals
SHOW - go
COVER - headgear
ON-CULTURAL - 1) quiet; 2) comply with criminal traditions
PURCHASE - 1) pickpocketing; 2) the stolen thing; 3) deception
FLIGHT (FALLING) - dropping the guilty from the top bunks in a dream
Polish - 1) disappear; 2) to be arrested
Polituha - a conversation with the political commissar
COLONEL - the head of the thieves' meeting
FULL-BLOOD - a rich man
POLNYAK - completely
POSITOR - a person who solves all problems for money (knocks money out of debtors)
PUT - 1) kill; 2) reject
Broke teeth - detained by police
BREAK HORNS - beat hard
POLO - especially dangerous recidivist
HALF-BLOOD - a man who knows the thieves' jargon, but does not belong to the caste of thieves
SEMI-FLOWER - 1) a trainee thief from an experienced thief; 2) convicted activist
Get 7 kopecks (this was the cost of one bullet at one time) - capital punishment (shooting)
GET 9 GRAMS (GET HOLE IN THE GASKET, RUN INTO THE DRAFT) - shooting (capital punishment)
GET THE SPOONS - beaten in the cell
POLka - field bag
POMAZUHA - margarine
PLEASE - to feel the pockets of the victim’s written
WASHING - 1) a fallen man, despised in a colony; 2) insult; 3) the mouth of a despised person; 4) the kitchen in the dining colony; 5) theft from a drunk
ON THE MUSIC, GO ON A CLEAN TU - show special skill in the theft
ASSISTANT - partner of the card sharper
WASH - 1) to commit theft in front of witnesses; 2) steal drunk
MONDAY - i) a sledgehammer; 2) a weak-minded person
UNDERSTAND - pretend to be an unaware and uncomprehending person
PONT - 1) cunning; 2) profit; 3) advantage
PONT to beat - 1) to be indignant; 2) to portray an honest person in order to avert suspicion
PONT DROP - to create the appearance of well-being
DRAW - create a crush, push
PONTER (PONTER) - a person who is lucky in life
STINKER - candy with filling
ON GOING TO GO - make room thefts in the evening
ON CONCEPT LIVING - to observe the thieves' laws, traditions
POP - 1) the tutor of the colony, the head of the squad; 2) the deputy head of the colony for educational work
GET IN COLOR - guess, hit the mark
GET FOR PARADISE - serve the punishment for keeping a jail of drug addicts
GET ON THE HOOK - be addicted
HAPPEN - skillfully, without noise
Subscribe - kill
SOPTING - watch on the tower
PORT A SHOWER - to disfigure a face
GOING - the same as GETTING UP
TURN - 1) delay; 2) expose the crime
POWDER - 1) a wallet with money; 2) large size sexual organ
GET-1) crack the safe; 2) have regular sexual intercourse
CUT CANTBACK - telling a lie
PORTRAIT - homemade tattoo (as opposed to REGAL)
PORTYES - Securities
WALLET - petty thief
DIFFERENT METHOD - well-known method
COVERING IN THE SOUL - to make detailed inquiries about someone
LANDING ON PARASH - humiliate your cellmate in front of others
KUMEK IN YOURSELF - talk thief slang
SALT - cut
SUPPLY - 1) create the conditions for the commission of a crime; 2) to perform sexual intercourse
TO PUT ON THE SKI - to create for a cellmate such conditions under which his further stay in this cell is impossible
PUT ON EARS - beat, rob
Put on the choir (farm) - gang rape
BREAKS - granulated sugar
Darkened - 1) killed; 2) strangled
SILENT - theft through open doors or an open window
CAPTIVE - restaurant waiter
CEILING - 1) chest pocket of outerwear; 2) the maximum penalty for the crime
TO PULL LOCKS - 1) to suffer; 2) get nothing
PULL THE STRAIGHT - serve the term of imprisonment
BREAKFAST - make intercourse
FOR HAIR DRYING (BOTTOM) -speak thief slang
POKESIA - recover
COVER - 1) go; 2) impersonate another
IN BLACK - supremely
ON THE BLACK BANG - beat up unconscious
TO BRING A FOOT - to say unnecessary, to talk nonsense
MAIL - hazard information
POLE BOX - place of detention
WENT ON MYKRUKHU - went to kill
GOING ON JOB - went to theft
LOOK FOR - grope where the victim has the money
TOUCH THE GUSA - check for money
RULE - 1) Help; 2) vest; 3) sentence thieves meetings
RULE - 1) the thieves' meeting, which dealt with the actions of thieves; 2) beating convicted of treason; 3) a knife; 4) passport
RIGHT PURCHASE - good production
GOOD - real, good quality
RIGHT BITCHES (RED ZONE) - IU, where a positive part of the prisoners-activists prevail
PRICE (English) - 1) price; 2) money
PRAHORA - boots
Preserve - knitted little hat
CHARACTER - defeat in the rights after serving the term of imprisonment
PRESS - a bundle of money
PRESS - constantly infringe upon the rights of anyone
PRESENTER - Prisoner Beating Rebellious Newbies
PRESS HAT - detention center in which the convict is forced to give false testimony
CHAIN ​​ON KICHE - serve a sentence in prison
APPROVED - a person close to a thief
TO APPEAR - to learn the norms and way of life of a criminal
APPROACH (VIEWER) - a prisoner appointed by the “thief in law” who is in charge of ordering in the cell, detachment, or zone (the chamber keeper, the superintendent of the detachment, the superintendent of the zone)
PROBEDA - the subject used as a crime instrument
DEVICE - male sexual organ
TAKE - kill
PRIVATE ZATOR - 1) a thief; 2) male sexual organ
PRIVATIZATION - 1) theft; 2) rape
LEAD FOR SALE - to substitute someone innocent to police officers at the time of the theft, while hiding himself
ATTACHED - trolley bus
INVITE - 1) to tame; 2) to persuade
TAKE A TELL - take a nap
BURIAL - a prisoner, bought off with something
TO MAKE TAILS - to establish surveillance
Fool - prisoner from ho-zobserguki
BURNT - hit
LANDING - get a sentence
PRI - penis
ORDER - 1) the seller of the stall in the colony; 2) a thrift store seller
PRAYING - constantly make comments, catch on any violations
Prikid - clothes
BOOKING - 1) to commit the act of pederasty; 2) to rob; 3) be an eyewitness to the crime; 4) recognize; 5) find the weak side of character
TO GO - get dressed
ADJUSTING - impute to anyone someone else’s crimes
FUN - 1) test for verification of a novice; 2) something causing laughter
PRIKOLYZIK - the inventor
TO ATTACK - to find fault to take away a thing
BUY - cheat
DOWNLOAD - enter the restaurant
HANDLE - 1) adventure; 2) cheat card game reception
LEG OF PUPP - mob law
ACCEPT INTO STAY - take a newcomer to a criminal group (a group of convicts)
DIPPING (KAIF) - state of drug intoxication
Solder - litigation
PRESET - 1) brass knuckles; 2) nunchak; 3) edged weapons
Solder - determine the maximum term for the crime
TASTE, glue the beard - cheat
FOOD - knife
FELLING - I) to be held in custody, to be in prison; 2) get into a nasty story
Attendance - play cards
TAILING - bring
STICK - stab
BLIND - hide, hide, transfer, hide
JOY (COSMING) - pretend to be a fool
GRAB - 1) to rob; 2) strangle; 3) kill in a robbery; 4) act with violence
GRAB ANGLES - pick up your suitcases
BOOKING - 1) pretend to be drunk; 2) pretend to be asleep
PARISH - 1) the residence of the leader; 2) stop of transport; 3) state of bliss after taking drugs
HURRY - come
TRAILER - 1) someone else's crime;
2) a prisoner taken by a group to escape for some purpose (cannibalism, shelter, etc.)
TRAILER TO RUN - run with someone for the company
BERTH - 1) a den; 2) place of temporary shelter; 3) the place of buying stolen goods; 4) place of imprisonment
Mooring - to put in custody
REASONS - 1) clothes; 2 things;
3) devices for making drugs; 4) devices for committing a crime
SEW - kill, kill
ПРИШИТЬ БОРОДУ - обмануть, скрыться с краденым
ПРИШИТЬ В ДОСКУ - убить по решению воровской сходки, самосуда
ПРИШИТЬ К ДЕЛУ - выдать соучастника, не известного милиции
ПРИЩЕПКА - 1) жена; 2) сожительница
ПРОБИРЕЙ - 1) мошенник, подделывающий пробы и клейма; 2) фальсификатор водки
ПРОБОГА - клятвоотступник, не сдержавший данное им слово
ПРОБОЖКА - нарушение обещания, невыполнение данного слова
ПРОГЛОТ - обжора
ПРОГОН - ложная информация
ПРОГОНЩИК - распространитель ложных слухов
ПРОГУЛКА - минимальный срок лишения свободы
ПРОГУЛОЧКА - нахождение в больнице ИУ
ПРОДАТЬ - донести на кого-то, выдать соучастника
ПРОДАТЬ СВОБОДУ - признаться в незначительном преступлении с целью скрыть более тяжкое
ПРОДОЛ - коридор в СИЗО
ПРОЗВОН - 1) взлом; 2) предательство; 3) проверка наличия хозяев в квартире
ПРОКЛАДКА - нежелательная утечка информации
ПРОКЛЯТИЕ - нанесение морального ущерба лицу, с которым общаешься
ПРОКОЛ - неудача
ПРОКОЛКА - прописка
ПРОКУРСЕТКА - проститутка низшего разряда
ПРОЛИТЬ СЛЕЗУ - попасться на месте преступления
ПРОЛОКМИТЬ - проиграть в карты
ПРОМОКАШКА - несовершеннолетняя проститутка, развратная девчонка
ПРОПАЛЬ, ПРОПУЛЬ - передача краденого соучастнику
ПРОПИСКА - процедура проверки новичка на сообразительность, знание уголовных традиций с целью принятия его в уголовное сообщество
ПРОПУСТИТЬ НА ХОР - изнасиловать группой
ПРОПУСТИТЬ ЧЕРЕЗ РУКИ - избить группой
ПРОСТО ТАК - игра в карты, в ходе которой проигравшего "опускают"
ПРОТЕЗ - рука
ПРОФУРА - 1) проститутка; 2) оскорбление в адрес женщины
ПРОФУРСЕТКА - 1) проститутка; 2) a woman of easy virtue
PRODNYAK - 1) entrance yard; 2) a form of fraud associated with deceit of the buyer
PROCHOGY - 1) tramp; 2) the fugitive from the colony
PROCHOR - boots
PERCENT - a person who does not fulfill promises
REVOKING - walking a woman
POND - litigation
PTIKKA bicycle - 1) bestovarnaya consignment note; 2) scoop for garbage collection; 3) part of the tool for cracking safes
PTYUHA - ration of bread
BUBBLE Petrovich - a bottle of vodka
PUYKA - minor associated with thieves
machine gun - playing cards
BULLET - Circle
bullet - 1) to give; 2) bring the transfer; 3) have sexual intercourse.
NIGEL - employee of the MUP
PURGA - unrealizable dreams
ПУСТИТЬ В ДОСКУ - ударить ножом, убить
ПУСТИТЬ КОНЯ - передать из камеры в камеру следственного изолятора с помощью нитки какие-либо вещи
ПУСТИТЬ КРОВЬ - обыскать до нитки
ПУСТИТЬ ПАРАШУ - распространять ложные слухи
ПУСТИТЬ ПОД ТРАМАЗ - совершить групповое (массовое) изнасилование
ПУСТИТЬ ПОД ТРАМВАЙ - совершить групповое изнасилование
ПУСТЬ ПОД СПЛАВ - оговорить, предать
ПУТЕВЫЙ - настоящий, хороший
ПУХЛЫЙ МЕНТ - милиционер
ПУХНУТЬ - отбывать наказание в колонии
ПУХОВЫЙ - богатый, хорошо одетый
ПУШКА - 1) пистолет; 2) обман; 3) Пушкинская площадь в Москве
ПУШКАРЬ - 1) надзиратель; 2) обманщик
ПЧЕЛКА - сотрудник колонии, берущий взятки с преступников
ПЧЕЛЬНИК - 1) карцер; 2) колония
ПШЕНИЧКА - морфий
ПШЕНИЧКА ЖЕЛТАЯ - контрабандное золото
ПШЕНО - махорка
ПЫХТЕТЬ - отбывать срок наказания, сидеть в тюрьме
ПЬЯНЫЙ ДОМ - рабочее общежитие
ПЯЛИТЬ - иметь половое сношение
ПЯЛИТЬ РЫБИНКУ - иметь половое сношение с молодой симпатичной женщиной
ПЯЛИТЬСЯ - выпендриваться
ПЯТАК - 1) анус; 2) место сбора воров и проституток; 3) пять рублей; 4) лицо, преследуемое основной массой осужденных
ПЯТАКИ - металлические деньги
FIVE-MINUTE - 1) laboratory psychiatric examination; 2) burglary without prior preparation, to
ring out FIFTHAT - 500-ruble note
Fifteen - maximum term of imprisonment - 15 years
FIFTH ANGLE - a safe place during a fight


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Criminal psychology

Terms: Criminal psychology