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Evolutionary modeling


Evolutionary modeling for building intelligent systems uses Darwin's theory (group accounting methods, genetic algorithms). It is part of a larger field of artificial intelligence - computational intelligence.

  Evolutionary modeling

Evolutionary models. These are systems that are biologically more realistic than evolutionary algorithms, but which have not proven to be useful in an applied sense. They are more similar to biological systems and less aimed at solving technical problems. They have a complex and interesting behavior, and, apparently, will soon receive practical application. These systems include the so-called artificial life.

evolutionary simulators

  Evolutionary modeling

Life simulation game is a genre of computer games in which a player controls the life of one or several virtual creatures. Sometimes it is considered a subgenre of the strategy genre, god simulator, or economic simulator. As a rule, life simulators do not have a specific goal.

Life simulators can focus on the biological or social aspect of life. The first ones allow the player to experiment with the genetics of living beings, model ecological systems, a special place among them is occupied by evolutionary simulators. The latter are based on the social interaction between living beings - their communication, work. A special position in the genre is occupied by pet simulators.

Genetic Betting (GenePool)

  Evolutionary modeling

Simulator artificial life "Genetic rates" (GenePool), where populations of strange species of organisms evolve over time was created by Jeffrey Ventreloy. The program presents a simulation of the life of a population in a pond where creatures live - simbotu with a simple lifestyle.

There are two basic instincts in a swimboat: nutrition and reproduction. In the Gene Pool world, tough competition is involved: the creature must either be able to swim fast or look attractive. Their bodies are made up of segments, which the swimboot must move in a certain way in order to swim. His motion is calculated on the basis of the real physics of the behavior of bodies in liquid media. The better he swims, the greater the likelihood that he will not die of hunger, find a partner for reproduction, and pass on his genes to the next generation.

The program introduced sexual selection - svomboty are more likely to intersect with those individuals that are similar to them in color (at least, this rule is the default). Thus, the preservation of a swimboat in the general gene pool of the pool is also affected by some parameters that are not related to its ability to swim.

The next generation of sweetbirds inherits the winners' genes, competition is intensifying, and unexpected mutations spin the evolution wheel even faster. As a result, only the best creatures should remain in the population.

"Life" Conway

  Evolutionary modeling online game

  Evolutionary modeling

The game "Life" belongs to the category of modeling games - games that in one degree or another imitate the processes occurring in real life. Life as a natural process is a phenomenon so complex and exciting that thousands of scientists tried to uncover its secrets. A person contributed to the solution of this problem, he had nothing to do with biology, the English mathematician John Horton Conway.

Situations arising in the process of the game invented by him are very similar to real processes occurring during the origin, development and death of a colony of living organisms. They are born with a favorable combination of relevant factors and die when the conditions of their existence become unbearable. Conditions of birth and death are determined solely by the mutual arrangement of participants.


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System modeling

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