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Design. Its importance when creating a web page. The main nuances of site design


In our millennium, the variable paper information sources, entertainment, and so on. D is the Internet, or rather its content is the web page. It is on the network that we have the opportunity to find answers to many questions that arise, find products that interest us, etc. Consider the example of typical questions that can be found on the web: A variety of questions can range from “In my child's colic in the stomach. What could be the cause? "To" What is the design of the hadron collider? ". On such and other questions there are many experts who have something to answer about this. And these answers are already online. By asking a question on the web, we will see a large number of links that will direct us to the page with the answer. But among all the proposed answers, we will choose only one. Of course, the choice depends on the content of the site itself, on its completeness and clarity. Also, we have repeatedly met sites with the same text content. And before the election of the desired page, its design was added, or rather its design.

Design - there is an extensive concept that applies to many areas of human life. So, Design is a creative method, process and result of the artistic and technical design of industrial products, their systems complexes, aimed at achieving the most complete correspondence of the created objects and the environment as a whole to human needs, both utilitarian and aesthetic. Design, in turn, is further divided into sub-paragraphs, which specifically describe the purpose of application in a particular area of ​​life. In our case, we should consider Graphic design - this is a type of modern art, which is the creation of graphic objects (websites, postcards, business cards). The commercial component of graphic design is that with it you can not only make money (turning your business into a business), but also achieve marketing goals - to attract the attention of the target audience, to stimulate sales, etc.

For all the time of web programming, the masters of this business argued about the importance of design and content. Therefore, they were divided into 2 groups:

The first is that supporters of “beauty” who claim that it is unusual effects like twinkling stars or girls dancing in the fog that can make the site truly competitive and profitable.

The second - argue that since 90% of visitors go to sites with information, the main purpose of the design is not to interfere with the visitor to find and study the content of the site. Among the second group there is a saying: “great commercial design is the complete lack of design”.

Yet the success of this work (the creation of a web page) depends not only on one aspect, but on their harmonious combination.

But we will draw more attention to the design of the site. After all, having planned the creation of a web page, you already have, in your opinion, expediently selected information. And it remains correct and accordingly to issue it. What are you looking at first when you get to the new site? I think that you, like most people, first of all assess its appearance. Therefore, do not underestimate the power of the first impression. Consequently, it is necessary to correctly distribute both the text itself, and the advertising located on the site, and icons so that in the complex each element seems to complement each other.

Therefore, you should pay attention when creating the design of your future site to the following nuances:

- Color design

You should choose the optimal background for your page. This background should not be too bright and faded. The color scheme should match the theme of your site. If you decided to choose a picture as a background, then you should choose one that will not distract the user from viewing the page.

- Site content

The information on your site should be easily perceived by the reader. So, the text should be readable. It should pick the right size and style of letters. Also, it is necessary to note that the text is monotonously presented - it can tire the reader and discourage the interest of later viewing the web page. Therefore, we advise you to divide the text into paragraphs and dilute it with images.

- Color design + text

Do not forget about the color of your text and the background on which it is served. It is recommended to use black for text. That he is better perceived by the reader. If you decide to draw a field on which the text is located, then it should not merge with the color of the information. And the colors should be combined with each other (red background color, green - Text. This way the site will scare the user).

- Site structure

The structure of the site is the basis for starting a web page. It is necessary to divide the site into blocks, often divided into: head (where the name and possible logo), main (where the informational part is), left / right footer (they are not necessary, news and menu are often there) and bottom. The menu may be still in the head of the site, between the head and the base, in the footer. You must make the site as user friendly as possible. Therefore, you should consider all the possible nuances.

- Images

Your site may contain images. Therefore, you should pay attention to their design. If you use more than one picture, you should make them the same size. Regarding size: it should not be too big, or small. The size should be in harmony with the text. If you need the image to be large in size, because there is something in it, it is better to provide the opportunity to increase the size of the image when viewing it, or open it in a new window.

If you do not adhere to these basic points, all this can cause negative emotions for the user and make bad reviews regarding your site.

It can be summed up: Website design, of course, has the most direct effect on the perception of information and plays an important role in the success of a web page. Properly designed design is the key to success.


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design software UI and Web design

Terms: design software UI and Web design