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Common computer errors


Common computer errors
Errors and remedies
Control of special schemes; types of schemes and methods of their control.
Ways to improve reliability

Errors and solutions
Errors in software, they are determined eliminated by the programmers themselves or the operators also use this program.
Erroneous operator actions created by creating optimal working conditions on the computer
Errors in the devices for storing and transmitting information to control the transmission of information lead to redundant codes, encode information before transmitting through information channels, and check for errors in the equipment when receiving and writing to various devices
Errors in the logic circuits analyzes the failure or failure and, accordingly, restarting reconfiguration or repair
Errors in the control system is a diagnostic test program or duplication
Errors in the power and cooling circuit are detected using sensors

Control scheme

not requiring control is not the main circuit elements of the fault in which do not lead to errors - indication circuit
Logic power conversion circuits

Controlled Error Correction Method
This is localization with the help of diagnostic tests of programs and hardware control.

Uncontrollable circuit
Duplications are used for them.

Two ways are used to achieve reliability in devices Where it is necessary to maintain high performance during a certain period of time
Reconfiguration in case of failure of one of the functional units of the system continues to work 0 reliability decreases This principle is called gradual degradation of the system
Duplex systems that work in parallel with two or more blocks. This system with a constant comparison of the results obtained when a single device fails takes all the load. The overall performance remains the same and the possibility of error detection decreases.


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Diagnostics, maintenance and repair of electronic and radio equipment

Terms: Diagnostics, maintenance and repair of electronic and radio equipment