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Circuit design of electronic devices based on operational amplifiers Totalizer Differentiator Integrator


Circuit design of electronic devices based on operational amplifiers

Deep Negative Operational Amplifiers
For the construction of various decisive amplifiers, op amps with deep negative feedback are used.
Basic switching circuit of operational amplifiers
• Non-inverting amplifier;
• Inverting amplifier;
• Amplifier with differential input 1

Circuit design of electronic devices based on operational amplifiers Totalizer Differentiator Integrator
Fig. 1. Diagrams of switching on the operational amplifier: inverting (a); non-inverting (b); differential (c).

Non-inverting amplifier
Circuit design of electronic devices based on operational amplifiers Totalizer Differentiator Integrator

Inverting amplifier
Kuoc = - R2 / R1

With differential switching on the OU, input voltages are supplied to both inputs through resistors R1 and R3. In this case, the equality of the potentials at the inputs is preserved.

Circuit design of electronic devices based on operational amplifiers Totalizer Differentiator Integrator


Circuit design of electronic devices based on operational amplifiers Totalizer Differentiator Integrator

With equality, R1 = R3; R2 = R4 should:

Circuit design of electronic devices based on operational amplifiers Totalizer Differentiator Integrator
where in brackets the voltage difference taking into account the sign


Figure 2 shows an amplifier circuit based on an op amp that serves as an adder.

Circuit design of electronic devices based on operational amplifiers Totalizer Differentiator Integrator
Figure 2. The OA-based adder with frequency independent elements.

Based on the 1st Kirchhoff Law for node 1
Circuit design of electronic devices based on operational amplifiers Totalizer Differentiator Integrator or Circuit design of electronic devices based on operational amplifiers Totalizer Differentiator Integrator

That is, the voltage at the output of the amplifier circuit is equal to the voltages at the input elements with weighting factors equal to the gain for the input in question:

The use of reactive elements makes it possible to realize analog operations of differentiation and integration. If in the circuit the input element is a capacitor with capacitance C, and the feedback element is a resistor with resistance R, then from condition I1 = I2 it follows that

Circuit design of electronic devices based on operational amplifiers Totalizer Differentiator Integrator from where Circuit design of electronic devices based on operational amplifiers Totalizer Differentiator Integrator

those. the output voltage is an input voltage differential with a weighting factor RC.

In the case when a resistor is connected to the inverting input and a capacitor is installed in the negative feedback circuit, the circuit with the operational amplifier acts as an integrator:

Circuit design of electronic devices based on operational amplifiers Totalizer Differentiator Integrator

those. the output voltage is an integral of the input voltage.

If the input resistor voltage is changed abruptly from 0 to U0, then the output of the OU voltage will change according to the law Circuit design of electronic devices based on operational amplifiers Totalizer Differentiator Integrator i.e. grow in proportion to time. This corresponds to the case of charging the capacitor With a constant current Iin = Uin / R


Очень познавательная статья о применении операционных усилителей для создания аналоговых устройств - сумматоров, дифференциаторов и интеграторов. Интересно узнать о том, как можно использовать такие устройства для аналоговой обработки сигналов.
Я не был знаком с операционными усилителями ранее, поэтому статья стала для меня настоящим открытием. Я понимаю, что такие устройства могут быть полезны в различных областях, таких как автоматика и электроника.
Я работаю в области электротехники и знаю, как важно правильно подобрать компоненты для создания различных устройств. Статья дает хорошее представление о том, как выбрать операционные усилители для создания аналоговых устройств.
Статья содержит много математических формул и уравнений, но автор хорошо объясняет, как использовать операционные усилители для создания различных устройств. Это очень полезно для тех, кто хочет узнать больше о том, как работают эти устройства.
Я занимаюсь разработкой электронных устройств и мне было очень интересно прочитать о том, как можно использовать операционные усилители для создания сумматоров, дифференциаторов и интеграторов. Я узнал много нового и, надеюсь, смогу применить это знание в своей работе.

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Electronics, Microelectronics, Element Base

Terms: Electronics, Microelectronics, Element Base